This table (work in progress) shows local council powers and duties.

Item Powers  and Duties Statutory  provisions
Allotments Powers to provide allotments. Duty to provide allotment gardens if demand unsatisfied and if reasonable to do so. Small Holding & Allotments Act 1908,s.23
Baths (public) Power to provide public swimming baths Public Health Act 1936, s.221
Borrowing money Power for councils to borrow money for their statutory functions or for the prudent management of their financial affairs LGA 2003, Schedule1, para.2
Burial grounds, cemeteries and crematoria Power to acquire and maintain Open Spaces Act 1906, ss. 9 and 10
Burial grounds, cemeteries and crematoria Power to provide LGA 1972, s. 214
Burial grounds, cemeteries and crematoria Power to agree to maintain monuments and memorials parish councils & burial authorities (misc. provisions) Act 1970, s. 1
Burial grounds, cemeteries and crematoria Power to contribute to expenses of cemeteries LGA 1972, s. 214(6)
Bus Shelters Power to provide and maintain bus shelters LGA (misc. provision) 1953,s.4
Charities Duties in respect of parochial charities Charities Act 2011, ss. 298-303
Charities Power to act as charity trustees LGA 1972, s. 139(1)
Commons and common pastures Powers in relation to enclosure, regulation, management and provision of common pasture Inclosure Act 1845; Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908, s. 34
Ditches and ponds Power to drain & maintain ponds and ditches to prevent harm to public health Public Health Act 1936, s.260
Entertainment and arts Provision of entertainment and support of the arts LGA 1972, s.145
Environment Power to issue fixed penalty notices for litter, graffiti & offences under dog control orders Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, s. 19, s. 30. part 6.
General Power of Competence (GPC) Power for an eligible council to do anything subject to statutory prohibitions, restrictions and limitations including those in place before or after introduction of GPC) Localism Act 2011, ss. 1-8
Gifts Power to accept gifts of land LGA 1972, s. 139
Highways, dedication and widening Power to enter into agreement as to dedication and widening Highways Act 1980, ss. 30, 72
Highways, ending maintenance Consent of parish council required for ending maintenance of highway at public expense, or for stopping up or diversion of highways Highways Act 1980, ss. 47, 116
Highways, lighting Power to light roads and public places parish councils act 1957, s. 3; Highways Act 1980, s. 301
Highways, seats and shelters Power to provide roadside seats and shelters Parish Councils Act 1957, s. 1
Highways. Parking Power to provide parking places for vehicles, bicycles and motor-cycles Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984,ss. 57, 63
Highways. Public footpaths and bridleways Power to repair and maintain public footpaths and bridleways Highways Act 1980, ss. 43 & 50
Land. Acquire Power to acquire by agreement, to appropriate, or dispose of LGA 1972, ss.124, 126, 127
Land. Gifted Power to accept gifts of land LGA 1972, s. 139
Public buildings and village hall Power to acquire and provide buildings for public meetings and assemblies LGA 1972, s. 133
Tourism Power to encourage tourism to the councils area LGA 1972, s. 144
Traffic calming Powers to contribute financially to traffic calming schemes LGRA 1997, s. 30
Websites Power for councils to have their own websites LGA 1972, s. 142