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council tax
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- council tax
council tax as a proportion of national taxes, £ m
- income tax
- onshore corporation tax
- council tax
- business rates
- fuel duties
- capital gains tax
- property transaction taxes
- inheritance tax
- other taxes
parish council precept as a proportion of council tax, £
- county council
- police and crime commissioner
- district council
- parish council
2024 2025, parish council sources of income, forecast, £
- precept
- psdf income
- CIL icome
- bank interest
- locality awards
- ev income
- donations received
- rents
2024 2025, parish council expenditure, forecast, £
- clerk, salary
- clerk, pension
- clerk, tax and NI
- bank fees
- admin
- web site and emails
- insurance
- legal
- audit inspections
- bin (litter and dog) emptying
- community wardens
- street lighting
- grass cutting
- playing field and pavilion
- tentree road (county farm)
- greenacre
- events
- subscriptions
- aed defib
- projects
- bins and benches
- trees
- noticeboards
- play equipment
- ground maintenance
- queens diamond jubilee garden
- donations and grants
- environment
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